Don't Let Them Fight Alone

Marketing Campaign - Mighty Oaks Foundation
Project Overview
I was tasked with revitalizing the Veterans Day marketing campaign for a Veteran Non-Profit. I was able to craft a campaign that kicked off on Veterans Day and continued through Giving Tuesday which helped result in the non-profits highest end of year giving.
My Contributions
Ideation, project management, copywriting, blog writing and execution of campaign.
Mighty Oaks Foundation utilizes the slogan Never Fight Alone which is targeted at Veterans who are struggling with post-traumatic stress and are feeling like they're alone. The goal behind the Don't Let Them Fight Alone campaign was to show case to the donor target demographic that they have a role to play in coming alongside Veterans after they have returned home.

The campaign was launched on Veterans Day 2021 and lead into Giving Tuesday 2021. Through a social media presence, both paid and organic, targeted newsletters and strategic content this campaign helped to contribute to Mighty Oaks' best end of year giving to date.
Don't Let Them Fight Alone
Veteran's Day Campaign -
Mighty Oaks Foundation
Nov 2021 — Dec 2021
Sample Facebook Ad Copy for Don't Fight Alone.
Sample Facebook Copywriting for Mighty Oaks Don't Fight Alone Campaign